Art & Culture
New Within/Without exhibition now open to the public at Manarat Al Saadiyat
NYU Abu Dhabi, in partnership with Manarat Al Saadiyat, is pleased to announce Within/Without, a new exhibition featuring 25 artworks that have been unveiled for the first time from His Excellency Dr. Zaki Nusseibeh’s private collection.

On display until December 8, this exhibition features artworks from His Excellency Dr. Zaki Nusseibeh’s private collection
NYU Abu Dhabi, in partnership with Manarat Al Saadiyat, is pleased to announce Within/Without, a new exhibition featuring 25 artworks that have been unveiled for the first time from His Excellency Dr. Zaki Nusseibeh’s private collection. This exhibition is now open to the public until December 8 at Manarat Al Saadiyat’s atrium.
Curated by NYU Abu Dhabi students as part of their Curatorial Practice class taught by Associate Professor Practice of Art History Salwa Mikdadi, the artworks stretch across a wide spectrum of formal innovation, from new forms of figuration to expressionist abstraction. The stylized faces and bodies emphasize the degree to which these artists have broken free from the conventions of figuration. In an age when people across the globe seem more and more obsessed with appearance, the artworks here remind us that artists from a variety of cultural traditions have for a long time been putting the self into question and challenging us to look at ourselves anew. The exhibition offers a welcome reprieve from the hyper self-focused images we are bombarded with every day.
Artists from this show include Sabhan Adam, Tayseer Barakat, Safwan Dahoul, Mounir Fatmi, Ismail Fattah, Rokni Haerizadeh, Bashar Al Hroub, Marwan Kassab-Bachi, Mohamed Al Mazrouei, Hussein Al Mohasen, Fateh Moudarres, Muhammad Muhreddin, Rafa Al Nasiri, Ahmad Amin Nazar, Ismail Al Rifai, Marwan Sahmarani, Mona Saudi, Ernesto Shikhani, Andrew Verster, and Fadi Yazigi.
NYU Abu Dhabi student curators include Nadia Al Hashmi (2019, Art Practice), Alia Al Jallaf (2021, Political Science), Valentín Benoit (2019, Economics and Art History), NiccolòAcram Cappelletto (2021, Art History and Political Science), Sarah Daher (2019, Theater and Economics), Sakurako Naka (2019, Literature and Creative Writing), Penelope Peng (2019, Political Science), Giulia Turchetti (2019, Political Science), and Vuk Vukovic (2019, Film Studies and Art History).
On display until December 8
Open daily from 9am-8pm
Manarat Al Saadiyat’s atrium